Chapter 711 An Unexpected Foursome:>>Ep2
- I was soon offered a cocktail, which I readily accepted, and we all sat on the floor around the table getting acquainted with one another. I soon had confirmation of what I had suspected when I first saw them, that Ali and Fiona were a couple. Fiona and Victoria were life-long best friends and Ali was merely the boyfriend who had come along for the trip. Victoria hadn't met him until a few days ago. And with that knowledge came the realization that this was essentially a double date. Everything made a lot more sense now. Victoria had invited me along today so she didn't have to be the third wheel all night. And I knew that significantly increased my odds of hooking up with her before the night was done.
- After a couple of drinks, we decided to get some dinner. We ended up going to a sushi place down the road that had one of those conveyor belts that snaked throughout the restaurant delivering little plates of sushi, always a hit with visitors. I was really enjoying myself. Ali and Fiona were charming. Easy to talk to. Funny. Ali, it turned out, was of Jordanian descent, though he'd spent his whole life in London. He had served in the British navy and was now studying to be an engineer. And Fiona was just gorgeous, the kind of person who got even more attractive as you got to know her. She did public relations work for a British bank.
- Victoria was really growing on me too. She was very impressive. An Oxford grad who had already been accepted to a prestigious law program and the planned to enroll in the fall. She was incredibly articulate and witty, highly skilled in the art of small talk. And while I'd always thought she was attractive, before I'd had no sense of her personality. But here, in the company of her best friend, she seemed a little more at ease. She still seemed reserved, a bit of an introvert, but it was clear that there was another side of her that at least her close friends got to see. And I was getting a glimpse. She was giggly and even made a few off-color remarks. Her hand brushed my thigh under the table more than a few times, clearly intentionally.